Our Story...

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Having a store has been a dream of Lashelle’s for several years. After spending 30 years moving around with her military man, they returned home to Georgia. It was here, over many conversations and laughter with Cindy, We2Friends was born.

This is our story. Lashelle and Cindy met in 1990 in Germany, as their husbands prepared for deployment. It was at this time, Lashelle asked Cindy to move in with her while their husbands were deployed to Desert Shield/Storm. Cindy was living out of a suitcase, as housing had not been assigned. It was a perfect match!! As it would be, Lashelle, her husband and Cindy’s husband, attended the same college in North Georgia. There was never a dull moment as the girls lived in Germany. This is where the love of shopping began. Lashelle introduced Cindy to “The Shopper’s Guide to Germany”. Fun and laughter ensued, following the directions to the different shops and factories. Those were the days before computers and GPS!! That was part of the adventure.

Although never stationed together again, the couples remained in touch. And, after both retired from the Army, were reunited in Georgia.

But, what about the logo? Lashelle and her family have always had Labradors. Cindy’s husband has been known as Red Rooster since flight school. How perfect to combine those two symbols to represent our business!

We hope that every little We2Friends piece of merchandise sent out will create that fun and loving attitude that we have adopted, and will put a smile on your face!

We could not be more excited for all that lies ahead. The journey is just beginning…